Kirsty Innes PR wins Silver PRide Award

PRide-2013-silver-buttonKirsty Innes PR has been named silver winner of best Low Budget Campaign in the 2013 Scottish Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) PRide Awards. In her first year of business, Kirsty received the award for her work with Bright Signals Marketing and the Dumfries & Galloway Wild Spring Festival.

Speaking of her win Kirsty said: “I am absolutely delighted that my new business has been recognised with this prestigious award so soon after launch – especially with such hi caliber competition. I look to building on this success for my clients in 2014 and beyond.”

Presenting her with the award, Andy Ross from the CIPR said: “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your silver award in the Low Budget Campaign category at the CIPR Scotland PRide Awards, it is a tremendous achievement. Your work has been judged as amongst the best in your region by leading PR experts.”

The full list of the 2013 (Region) PRide Awards winners can be accessed via the CIPR website.

The CIPR PRide Awards, sponsored nationally by Precise, PRWeek and RedBrand/Specialist Speakers, receive entries from freelancers, consultancies and in-house teams across 12 UK regions and nations. The judging process for the PRide Awards is rigorous with a national panel of industry experts assessing the shortlisted entries and choosing the winners. The 2013 Chairs of Judges, Gill Dandy FCIPR, Senior Consultant at The Centre for Strategy and Communication, and Chris Genasi FCIPR, Senior Consultant at APCO Worldwide, assisted in ensuring a fair and consistent judging process.

CIPR President Sue Wolstenholme FCIPR, commented: “The Scottish CIPR PRide Awards celebrate the very best public relations campaigns, teams and individuals from across Scotland. The exceptional quality of entries received this year is a real testament to the thriving industry which exists here in Scotland. The CIPR PRide Awards represent the best, most creative and most effective public relations work across the UK regions and nations and to win a silver award is a great achievement which means your work has been judged as amongst the best in the area by leading public relations experts.”

About the CIPR PRide Awards
The CIPR PRide Awards is the only UK wide awards scheme that recognises excellence in public relations and communications work across Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the English regions. Now in its 10th year the CIPR PRide Awards grow year-on-year as consultancies and organisations increasingly recognise the benefits of industry awards, and past winners continue to reap the benefits of receiving one.

Alongside CIPR Scotland, CIPR Wales/Cymru and CIPR Northern Ireland, taking part in the 2013 CIPR PRide Awards are East Anglia; Home Counties South; Midlands; North East; North West; Thames and Chiltern; South West; Wessex and Channel Islands: and Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

About the CIPR
The CIPR is the professional body for public relations practitioners in the UK. With over 10,000 members involved in all aspects of public relations, it is the largest body of its type in Europe. The CIPR advances the public relations profession in the UK by making its members accountable through a code of conduct, developing policies, representing its members and raising standards through education and training.